Who’s That Voice

An unexplained voice torments a couple late into the night.

Here is a preview of the story.
“She said nothing to me about it until the night before something strange happens to me. I decided to go to bed a little late that night knowing I need to be up a little early in the morning for work. I turn the lights off and get into bed like normal and attempt to go to sleep. At this point I am still half awake and conscious enough to still realize what is going on. As I am lying there something bends down and whispers “check your phone” in a grimacing, broken voice. It was a man’s voice, and I could feel his breath on my ear. Of course, It freaked me out and I sat there for a minute. I could not move or open my eyes because I feared what might have been staring at me when I rolled over. But I did what he said, and I rolled over and checked my phone. Nothing was there. Nothing on my phone and no one was there looking at me. The next night at dinner I tell my family what happened and was expecting them to tell me that it was nothing and that I was just dreaming but that is not the case. His girlfriend proceeds to tell me what had happened to her. A couple of days go by, and I am spending the night at my boyfriend’s house. He got up at around 8am to let the dog out and while he was outside, I was still in bed. I am sitting there and randomly hear a woman say “babe” in a soft voice. As soon as he comes back in, I ask him if he had said anything to me or if he said anything outside.”

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