We Have A Visitor

We Have A Visitor
Two teens struggle to understand and deal with the ghostly activity around them as they realize they have an uninvited visitor.

Here is a preview of the story.
“. I don’t know why and neither did the woman. We shrugged it off, turned it on, and she went inside, shutting the door. I sat on the bed, cameras in hand, taking pictures. My phone was video recording in hopes of a spirit of some kind. As I sat there, “A” screamed, and I jumped off the bed hollering
“What is it?!”
“You turned off the damn light! Mary, you better turn it on, or I am going to punch you!” She hollered
I argued with her, back and forth. “I am on the bed,” I repeated, looking at the switch in the down position
“TURN IT ON!” She screamed as I jumped up again and switched it on

I looked back at the bed, towards the door where I noticed a shadow was walking. It wasn’t outside; it was inside with us. My heart thumped, and I opened the bathroom and stared at her. As sisters, we took showers together, so seeing her there using the toilet didn’t faze us.
“What is it?” She asked me, annoyed as I tried to speak
“I think we have a visitor,” I could only whisper as she laughed.”

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