Voice In The Night

What was the voice that one person heard late at night in their own home?
Here is a preview of the story.
“I could go on with many stories, but I will not. What I am bringing to you today is a recording. I use an app at night that records me while I sleep. Sounds creepy, but it is just to monitor sleep patterns and what impacts my sleep. It will pick up the sound of my cat and my dog. It picks up the sound of my movements and, unfortunately, snoring. L.O.L. Last night it picked up Something that sounds like a voice. The voice is not mine. I wear a mouth guard at night because I grind my teeth. So, talking is not exactly easy while I am wearing it. And it does not sound like my voice. I believe I know what it sounds like the voice is staying; I will let you decide if you agree. To me, it sounds like the voice is saying, “I’m fine. “What do you think? “

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