Visitor In The Night

What or who was the strange visitor that came to a couple late one Christmas night?
Here is a preview of the story.
โ€œI got a strange feeling that something was not right. I slowly poked my head out of the hallway and looked to my left where the front door was and that is when I saw someone with a red jacket walking out my front door! It scared me so much that I jumped back behind the wall and froze. Either I just saw Santa Clause, or someone broke into our home. I stood there silent, holding my breath and terrified. I strained to hear any more noises, but there was nothing. I did not hear the door close; I did not hear the bells move, I did not hear the deadbolt being locked, and I did not hear footsteps. After standing there in the hallway for what seemed like forever, I finally got the courage to poke my head around again. The screen door was closed and there was no one there. All was still. I walked over to the screen and saw that the deadbolt was locked. I was dumbfounded, I was sure that I saw someone walking out our door. I looked around the house to see if someone was still inside but there was no one.โ€

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