Visit From The Dead

A deceased friend visits a friend in a dream to give a message of hope.

Here is a preview of the story.
“After I graduated Highschool one of my best friends died in a car wreck, the driver had a seizure attack while my friend was asleep in the front seat. They drove into a canal (water-lake), and the car had submerged. When the car was found by the rescue team, they said my friend was on top of the driver and looked like he was trying to unbuckle the seatbelt to save her, but unfortunately, my friend had heart surgery when he was a kid. His heart could not handle what was happening at that moment and gave out on him. Fast forward to a couple of months, I was at home sleeping and had a dream of all my friends, including him. We obviously knew he was dead, but we were all happy to see him, and we were spending time together like we normally did. “

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