Unexplained Figure

Who was the unexplained figure standing down a dark hall? That’s what we discuss today on Real Ghost Stories Online.
Here is a preview of the story.
“Whomever it was made heavy footfalls against the floor, walking slowly but at a steady pace, the footsteps went through the living room and had gotten halfway across the kitchen when all four flashlights in the group’s possession went out at once. No amount of shaking, hitting, or cursing could make them work. They were stuck in pitch blackness.

The footsteps continued down the hall and to the top of the stairs. Jim called out a friendly “Hello!” just as a precaution, but the only reply he got was the door opening at the top of the stairs. The footsteps began descending the stairs steadily. The group could not see anyone due to the flashlights still not working. Then the boots stopped on the last step. Someone was standing there. Suddenly, all four flashlights came back to life. They quickly shined the lights to where the person was standing…or should have been. But there was just an empty staircase.”

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