Unexpected Exorcism

For many of us, the image of an exorcism is probably something along the lines of a priest holding a crucifix, people throwing vials of holy water, and the “possessed” undergoing strange bodily contortions. As we see in the following story, apparently not all exorcisms are routine. This was a story that made us wonder about the degree to which a person can be possessed, and the ability a person may have to intervene with or break away from a demon taking over their body.

The idea of a youth group leader being able to pull off an exorcism effectively doesn’t exactly play within the lines of the narrative many of us have come to understand, as you will see in this story. However, many accounts and experiences we cover on our show have made me question the “norms”   or pre-conceived ideas of what is done when it comes to combating the paranormal.

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