The Tunnel

What was lurking in a legendary dark tunnel near a young mans home?

Here is a preview of the story.
“Now, I grew up hearing stories about a tunnel and a light and so forth but, for me it was something completely different. In the blink of an eye, I was transported to a grassy field on the bank of a river. I started walking towards the river and several wooden picnic tables, the type that you would see at a park, popped up. The river went horizontally from one end of the clearing to the other with another river that came to a tee right at the picnic area. Across the river, on the right side of the tee river, storm clouds loomed, and lightning crashed to the ground. The left side of the river tee was bright and sunny with a green rolling hill that blocked any view of what lie beyond. Both sides were a mystery as to what lay just beyond the riverbanks.”

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