The Switch

What happens when a house needs a blessing to clear it out. Can you ever switch negative energy with positive?

Here is a preview of the story.
“His experiences were everything form priests trying to bless the house, churchgoers blessing the yard. Median that would come in and tell him that there was demonic activity in the house. The Median told him that if there was an evil presence that her skin would turn into scales that of an amphibian. He was shocked when he seen her skin do just that down her arms. The Median Identified a closet in the house that she said she could not enter because of the feeling of an evil presence. Their last night in the house, there was a crashing sound coming from the kitchen. He got up out of bed and went to go investigate the noise. When he preceded down the stairs as soon as he stepped foot in the living room, he felt like something jumped on his back and was trying to desperately claw at him. He went through the living room, and as soon as he stepped foot in the kitchen, it stopped. After investigating the noise, he found nothing.

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