The Silhouette

Who or what was silhouette standing in one person’s doorway late in the night?

Here is a preview of the story.
โ€œI was laying down on the bed in the position I previously described but was not asleep and I saw the silhouette of a person walking by the door, but it was not what people would describe as a shadow person since it was white, sort of like a mist, and had the shape of a person and it appeared as it were walking. All this happened in broad daylight as it was like 3 in the afternoon and the terrace was opened to the backyard behind the house. As soon as I saw the thing walking by, I got up and went outside the room and there was no one or nothing there. After this I decided that I did not wanted to take a nap anymore. I never told anybody anything about this, but my grandmother had told me, years after this, that she and one of her sisters, had seen stuff in the house. After this, probably during the same year, I was at my house which was in the next city over from my grandparent’s house I saw the same thing. This time it was early in the morning, and I was sitting in the sofa waiting for my two brothers to finish getting ready to go to school and I saw it. The living room had a small entry way that divided in three directions, the right side went to the kitchen, but that way was blocked by the refrigerator, a door in the front which was the bathroom and a door to the left which went in the only bedroom in the lower level. The same white misty figure walked from where the refrigerator is and walked directly into the bedroom. This time I decided not to check. There is probably one thing that I should mention about this house: it also had various renovations done to it. The lower-level bedroom had a set of windows that opened to another room which was a storage but before that they opened to the backyard.โ€

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