The Past Returns

Did trauma from ones past have something to do with paranormal activity in their present?
Here is a preview of the story.
“Fast-forward, several years of mostly nothing, my new(is) GF (now my wife) move in together. She has also dealt with some abuse in her past, but it was not until we started our journey together, that she too, started experiencing shadow people. She saw it a lot, numerous times weekly. She would wake up to it it is standing over the crib of my stepson, it would glide down the hallway, and sometimes she would wake up to it watching her from a corner. These were not quick sightings either, sometimes she would watch it for several minutes before it would disappear. More than her sightings themselves though, I was more stunned by the fact that she said she was not scared of it, and it had a nurturing feeling to it. Soon, we had discovered we we are seeing vastly different entities.”

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