The Laundry Room

What kind of dark or malevolent spirit was lurking in the darkness of one person’s laundry room?
Here is a preview of the story.
“Not thinking much of it at the time, I shrugged it off as my father just coming and checking in on me and not saying anything. This bedroom I was in had two doors; one that led into the basement family room and one that led into an unfinished part of the basement where nothing but our laundry machines were kept. I had stopped keeping them open at night as an indicator that I did not wish to be disturbed but kept one slightly cracked for my cat to come and go as she pleased. It was one of the weirdest experiences for me so far; I had been playing on the computer one night during the summer when I heard the door open. I had known it wasn’t my cat because whenever she entered my room, she would always meow. I turned to look expecting my father but what I saw was something I couldn’t comprehend at the time. I saw what looked to be a hooded figure peering into my room.”

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