Ghost Stories Radio

Sketchy Hotel

Sketchy Hotel What was the entity lurking behind the doors of a sketchy motel late one night? Here is a preview of the story. “We were visiting Reno for our annual golf trip. We were not staying in some sketchy motel, our event brought us to one of the nicer Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

Negative Emotions

Negative Emotions Did the negative and repressed emotions of an individual conjure or create a dark entity? Here is a preview of the story. “He was in a negative place mentally and emotionally. One night he started to wake up suddenly and would see a dark figure near his bedside. Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

Paranormal EMS

Paranormal EMS What happens on the job for one EMS worker is anything but “routine”, its paranormal! Here is a preview of the story. “I’ve always been a light sleeper and especially had trouble falling asleep on shift, so, past midnight if I ever did sleep it was fitful at Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago

Adventures With The Dead

Adventures With The Dead Does everything happen for a reason? That’s what one person believes, and also believes to have the evidence to prove it. What happened down a long old country road in Texas, that made it such a hot spot for the paranormal? The day after this happened, Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago