Ghost Stories Radio

Shoe To Drop

Shoe To Drop What happened late one night when the other shoe, literally dropped for one woman, with no explanation. Here is a preview of the story. “One evening I was home alone and sitting on our couch watching TV. My shoes were on the floor in front of the Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago

Not Home Alone

Not Home Alone What paranormal event unfolded as one child stayed home alone for the first time in their life? Here is a preview of the story. “I am an only child, so it was just me and my mom and dad living here. I was about 10 when they Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

The Past Returns

The Past Returns Did trauma from ones past have something to do with paranormal activity in their present? Here is a preview of the story. “Fast-forward, several years of mostly nothing, my new(is) GF (now my wife) move in together. She has also dealt with some abuse in her past, Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

The Silhouette

The Silhouette Who or what was silhouette standing in one person’s doorway late in the night? Here is a preview of the story. “I was laying down on the bed in the position I previously described but was not asleep and I saw the silhouette of a person walking by Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago