Clairvoyant Family

Clairvoyant Family A family with clairvoyant sensitivity is followed by various spirits from house to house. Some good, some not so good. The ghost of a horse still haunts a patch of land and is seen by one man for decades, roaming in the night. To hear more real ghost Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

After The Show

After The Show What strange things occurred for one listener after listening to an episode of this podcast? Here is a preview of the story. “About 2 hours after finishing the podcast, I grabbed my purse to run some errands with my dad and sister. The purse, a recent gift Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

Haunted Podcast?

Haunted Podcast? Did listening to our podcast, somehow cause a haunting in a home? Here is a preview of the story. “Since I started listening to your show little things have started happening. Things like the tv channels changing on its own, or on multiple occasion me seeing things in Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago

Dark Into Light

Dark Into Light In a home infested with the negative energy of a living abuser, did something supernatural of a positive nature make itself known to the family that needed hope? A woman is plagued by voices, sounds, feelings and manipulation by an unseen force in her new home. Listen Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago