Forced To Believe

Forced To Believe Why does it sometimes take the account of a nearly complete stranger to make someone believe the paranormal experiences of a close loved one? Have you ever stolen anything from a graveyard? Have you ever taken part of a body from a grave on the dare of Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

Surviving Sister

Surviving Sister Did the spirit of a deceased sibling return to help guide their surviving siblings? What did the spirit know about the future? Here is a sample of the story. “My baby sister was murdered by her mother’s fiancé. She was on life support for a few days when Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago

Friend or Foe

Friend or Foe A child sees the spirit of another boy peering in through the patio door early one morning. Who is the child and is he friend or foe? A teenager is tormented by entities invading his room night after night, eventually forcing him to move from his family Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

Cemetery Shadows

Cemetery Shadows What do you do when you witness dark shadow figures wandering around a cemetery late at night? That’s what one person had to contemplate, today on Real Ghost Stories Online. Here is a preview of one of our stories. “When I was 18 years old – a couple Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

Pure Hate

Pure Hate What do you do when you can feel the energy of an unseen entity? What do you do when that energy is filled with pure hate? We hear about it today, on Real Ghost Stories Online. Here is a preview of one story. “. I couldn’t make out Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago

Before You Die

Before You Die A wife wants nothing more than to die after the passing of her husband. The spirit of her husband enlists the help of the cable company to save her life. What do you do when you can suddenly sense evil, but none of your normal senses are Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

Seeing People

Seeing People Did a mother see ghostly figures around her house and interact with them as if they were alive? Or was she out of her mind? That’s what one adult wonders as they look back. Here is a sample of the story. “I was only there about four months Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago