Ghost Stories Radio

Bright Light

Bright Light What was the bright foggy light that invaded one listeners’ home? Here is a preview of the story. “. When I opened the garage door, the light was so bright it blinded me. So now I am squinting and walking to the house that is about 20 feet Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago

The Camping Trip

The Camping Trip A group of girls go for a teenage camping trip, meet a group of boys and go for a romantic walk. Only to find out the next day that the reality they remembered is quite different from fact. Was a woman plagued by a very vivid sleep Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago

In Danger | EPP 303

In Danger Did a fatherly spirit return to warn his daughter-in-law of the dangers she was in by being with his son? A small town is ripped apart as their beloved general store owner is murdered in cold blood. Does the spirit of the man return to protect the place Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

Hat Man

Hat Man A young family finds that they are not alone in their bedroom late at night as a dark shadow man in a hat shows up to terrify them. Here is a preview of the story. “One of those nights, I had woken up from a nightmare and noticed Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago