Delivering The Message

Delivering The Message Do things always happen for a reason? How often are we used a vessel to deliver a message to others, to help them on their journey in life? Routines can be good. They can be healthy. Until they interrupted by the dead. Having a paranormal experience as Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

Ouija Aware

Ouija Aware If only one person had been more aware and understanding of what an Ouija board could do, tragedy could have been prevented. Here is a preview of the story. “My brother’s friend laughed and said, “Ha! Your grandmother doesn’t want to talk to your dumbass!”. I asked if Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

Outside Spirit

Man With No Face   Strange sounds and sights lead one person to believe there is an entity lurking outside their door. Here is a preview of the story. “Even though the sounds had been coming from upstairs and not the garden, we were still scared to go out back, Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

Feeling Crazy

Feeling Crazy What was the entity that a woman saw, who had no face? One person has a series of paranormal experiences, fears others will believe they are crazy. Here is a preview of the story. “So, it is Halloween. I got up around 3-3:30 am, got ready for work, Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago

The Other Building | EPP 353

The Other Building What dark activity took place in an old Sunday school building, that has been converted to apartments? Mysterious orbs, ghost cats, and unexplained scratches on a man’s back… All included for free with this condo! A father gets his family’s home blessed by a priest, without their Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago