Portal Home

Portal Home What do you do when your home seems to be a portal for the dead to come and go as they please. Is it ever a good idea to encourage or accept an intimate offer from a spirit? To hear more real ghost stories, become a supporter of Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

Stopped Breathing

Stopped Breathing What happens when a paranormal experience frightens you so much that you are not able to breathe? Here is a preview of the story. “Then out of nowhere, suddenly, my body kind of ‘jolted,’ and I was now falling into a deep, deep blackness before I suddenly breathed Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

Strange Calls

Strange Calls Who is the person or “thing” on the other side of a mysterious phone line? Here is a preview of the story. “I remember all hours I could call that number, and someone would pick up. If you were bored late night and called that number, there would Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

Unexplained Figure

Unexplained Figure Who was the unexplained figure standing down a dark hall? That’s what we discuss today on Real Ghost Stories Online. Here is a preview of the story. “Whomever it was made heavy footfalls against the floor, walking slowly but at a steady pace, the footsteps went through the Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago