Ghost Stories Radio

Unexplained Fear

Today On Real Ghost Stories Online: One listener shares her gift of seeing people from beyond the grave. But you won’t believe how she gained this ability. A child has a terrifying nightmare that seems far too real. However, when he wakes up the next morning, he will question if Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago

Devil Dancing in Denver

Today On Real Ghost Stories Online: Could the devil be dancing in Denver? We will hear the local legend of the cowboy in black. Two teens venture out in the middle of the night, and stumble upon a peculiar work-site. Could they have witnessed a group haunting? A grandfather goes Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago

The Conjuring of Demons

Today On Real Ghost Stories Online: Could an elderly woman continue attending mass even after her death? A curious teen decides to throw caution to the wind, and unknowingly conjures a demonic force. A widow discovers her deceased husband is still around. How does she help him move into the Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago

Haunted Basement

Was A Ghost Living in This Haunted Basement? Could a ghost be the one who saved a mother and daughter from potential tragedy? This listener shares her love/hate relationship with the “man in the kitchen”. A very sad secret lies in the basement of a 150 year old mansion. But, Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Children

Ghost Children

The Ghosts of Children Haunt a Home The pitter patter of little feet is a happy sound, except when there are no children home. Could something be lurking under a home, causing an ever-present child? Strange figures are common place for one family. Who is this thing they call “Fred”? Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago