Ghost Stories Radio

Paranormal Museum

Paranormal Museum   What happens when two friends visit a paranormal museum? Do they bring home more than just memories? Here is a preview of the story. “Saw a hallway and then a doorway with a curtain, but there was a sign that said employees only so I turned around Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

Something Unnerving

Something Unnerving What was the “Something unnerving” that lurked in a person’s house for nearly a decade that made everyone more than a little uncomfortable? Here is a preview of the story. “Bed was set at the far end of the room, directly in front of the closet, and every Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

1901 House

1901 House Who are the spirits that haunt and torment a family in their 1901 house? Here is a preview of the story. “To help envision things; we live in a two story 1,525 sq ft house. We have two bedrooms upstairs (my wife and I share one and my Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago

Dark Shadows | EPP 368

Dark Shadows Dark shadows torment a small child and invade more than just his room, they invade his mind! Did a young man bring something very dark into a young woman’s world, through skype? A young girls magical afternoon, playing in the crisp autumn leaves takes a turn to terror Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago

Clairvoyant Family

Clairvoyant Family A family with clairvoyant sensitivity is followed by various spirits from house to house. Some good, some not so good. The ghost of a horse still haunts a patch of land and is seen by one man for decades, roaming in the night. To hear more real ghost Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago