Spirits In The Basement

Just what was lurking in the basement of a new house that a family wanted to call home?
Here is a preview of the story.
“In 2007 we rented the house and moved in in a hurry. After a month our two I found out we had a basement that were old and dark, we washed clothing there and my stepdad stored hunting guns and winter clothing. I were around 5-6 years old and one day I went out playing and got bored then I wanted to look what else we had in the basement, so I opened the hatch, it started squeaking as an old door should, it was attached with a long steel chain that was rusty. When it got open, I could not see anything down there, just a few stone steps that look worn out. Grabbed the big flashlight in the hallway and ran back to the basement door and just thought “what if there is a zombie down there” so I took a stick from the forest behind me, and started going down slow, it felt like it got darker and darker for every step, so I turned on the flashlight. that was bright as the sun! the basement was separated in two parts one room with old ovens and one storage room. Walked pass the ovens and right into the storage room, then I saw there were some old stairs that went up in a small room in our house it was closed with and even older hatch that was so old that it even got mold on it. Slipped in the stairs and felt in the bottom of the stairs, then I heard noises right in the doorway that separated the two room and I looked right away…”

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