Spirit In The Dream

Did the spirit of a grandfather return with a message of hope for one woman in a late night dream?
Here is a preview of the story.
“Then what came next were moments of all I can say is divine intervention. This is probably the creepiest part of the story, but when I was growing up, my grandfather was dying of cancer, and at one point, I moved into my parents’ room, and he and the medical equipment moved into my room. He died there, in my room, where my bed is, to this very day. On the day of the funeral, I remember my mother or grandmother telling me that the one thing he always wanted to do when going to heaven was found ‘the greatest catch’ as he liked to fish a lot. Looking up, I saw a cloud that quite literally looked like a man, who looked like my grandfather due to the hat like Cloud, holding up a line with a fish on it.”

There were some strange calls we got, and we got death threats where they knew where we were, and they were waiting for us outside. We were spending time together in an elevator; I was 15 or 16 back then in 1999 and so most of the time I passed the phone to someone more physically threatening. I remember hearing a call with yelling in the background where it simply scared me, I did not know how to react, and I hung up.”

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