Speaking To No One

Who was the voice that a couple could hear in their home late at night and who were they speaking to?
Here is a preview of the story.
“Hello, Hello! I rushed in there to see who he was talking to behind the closed bathroom door, thinking he was being silly talking to one of our 5 pets. He’s said he heard me (loud footsteps) walking all around the living room by the bathroom door. Hamm wasn’t me; it wasn’t anyone. I was in a whole other room sitting down. And the kids are at their dad’s house. No one else was home. Ok, whatever! So, we dismissed it and went to sleep. (Paranormal things and experiences happen quite often for us, kind of normal).

A few hours pass and we are sound asleep. Like most nights we wake up all thru the night momentarily due to husband’s insomnia. Usually, to get back to sleep quickly I tell my google home “Hey google, goodnight “For those of you that have one and use this function, you know the response. It responds back…ok what time should I set your alarm for? My usual response, 6:15am. Then it says, ok alarm set for 6:15am. Goodnight gorgeous! Yes, Gorgeous is what I set my name to, lol. Then my google will continue to play cricket sounds and quickly get me back to sleep.”

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