Something Unnerving

What was the “Something unnerving” that lurked in a person’s house for nearly a decade that made everyone more than a little uncomfortable?

Here is a preview of the story.
“Bed was set at the far end of the room, directly in front of the closet, and every morning, for what felt like months, I would wake up to the feeling of fingers on my stomach, wriggling, as if someone were trying to tickle me. But it was weird and deep, like the fingers were moving through my skin and tickling me on the inside. If I pushed my belly out, they would go deeper, and if I sucked my stomach in, they would retract. They did not seem to follow my body, they were just… there. So, I sucked it in and waited until it stopped completely before I would get out of bed. Could always move but was always too afraid of what might happen if I sat up while it was doing their thing. Too young to know this was unnatural, and so I did not tell my family until years after it stopped. Eventually, my family decided to move some of the kids’ rooms around, and I was moved to the opposite end of the hallway, which did not have as many phenomena. Some point both of my siblings took the room at the end of the hall and had their own experiences inside. They have told me that they used to see people in their room at night.”

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