Shoe To Drop

What happened late one night when the other shoe, literally dropped for one woman, with no explanation.
Here is a preview of the story.
“One evening I was home alone and sitting on our couch watching TV. My shoes were on the floor in front of the TV in a pile where I left them when I kicked them off a couple hours before. Visualize the right shoe sitting sole down and the left shoe is upside down on top of it at an askew angle. I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye and look down just in time to see the shoe that had been on top and upside down on the other shoe rolled onto its sole onto the floor. I immediately tried to explain it with physics. I thought that gravity had really been pulling at it this whole time and it finally got enough momentum to land sole side down. Possibly. Just as I am trying to reconcile the shoe moving, I hear something in the kitchen behind me slap the counter. I let out a spontaneous audible gasp and turned around to see a box of taco shells that had been on the top shelf sitting on the countertop. Yes, I had left the cupboard open because I have a bad habit of doing that, but things do not usually fall out on their own.”

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