Poltergeist In The House

What was the unexplained entity that seemed to take over a family home?
Here is a preview of the story.
“So, when this story happened it started right as we just moved into yet another house. By then I had experienced a lot of weird shit, so I was not really phased by the books flying of bookshelves, random things moving across tables or floors, etc. It was the coming haunting really. I did not tell anyone. This might seem surprising, but trust me, 10-year-old me had seen some shit. Some little spirit was not about to scare me.

The only thing I knew about hauntings is that, like a bully in school, if you ignore it, it will go away.

Ha! Whoever said that was an idiot. This spirit did not leave me alone. After a few months of this happening, this spirit was dying for some acknowledgment (due to the fact they were only doing this “poltergeist” things to me, and none of my family seemed to have any experiences.) because in the middle of one night a bookshelf almost fell on my in my sleep. My younger sister and I (I am the oldest of four) shared rooms and I were on the bottom bunk of a bunk bed because my bedsheets were getting changed. My sister and I were in the same bed.”

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