Paranormal Encounter

Did a mother have a paranormal encounter with a child or “thing” that wasn’t supposed to be there?
Here is a preview of the story.
“Growing up our mom was extremely gifted and there were many experiences we all had. My other brother and I talk of these instances freely even having our own podcast to share them. But my oldest brother will not discuss anything else that ever happened to him other than the Elvis story.

I think it is because when he was a baby he and my parents lived in a haunted house. My mom says she would hear voices outside when no one was around and both houses next door were empty, and there were no houses behind them. My dad worked nights and my mom would see a man in her doorway watching her sleep.

She says one night she heard my oldest brother screaming from his crib. She went to check on him and behind her the closet door swung open. There was a basketball at the back of a shelf in the closet. The ball rolled off the shelf and bounced three times on the floor before it hit my mom square in the back.”

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