Nursing Home

What happened behind the walls of a nursing home as some of the residents come close to the end?

Here is the preview of the story.
“It was one of my first of many overnight shifts I was still training on that shift. After the second shift left maybe an hour after my coworkers and I were talking in the medication room when I heard the noise of walker wheels skidding across the floor, which was a typical sign someone was up and about, I walked out and looked down the hallway from the closets and saw a figure, couldn’t make out who as the hallway was dark, walking down towards the dining room from one of the rooms closest to the dining room. I walked back informed my coworkers that I was going to go see who was up; the whole ten seconds it takes to do that and start walking down, the figure was gone, thinking that maybe they went to the dining room to sit down as the residents do tend to do when they can’t sleep.”

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