Message On The Bricks

What were the mysterious messages and dates found on a series of bricks?

Here is a preview of the story.
“We ended up discovering bricks engraved with names in them with what looked like birth year to death year. Did not really know the history of the property other than that it uses to be an orchard of fruits. I think that was where things really started to escalate but not drastically. Prior to my dad starting the Reno on the basement, I remember coming home one day with my little sister. The usual for us was to get home, let the dog out, then grab snacks watch tv etc. I can remember I was sitting in the living room (I didn’t want anything to eat yet), anyway I’m sitting there and how the front of the house was set up is that when you walk in the front door the living room is to your immediate left and the stairs to go up to the second level were straight ahead to the left and then the hallway to the kitchen was adjacent to the stairs. So, I get my things off and I get settled and I am watching the family channel. Emperor’s new groove was lol, my little sister had ended up going to the kitchen.”

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