Lurking In The Room

What was the unexplained entity lurking in a child’s room long after the lights went out?

Here is a preview of the story.
“I rolled over to look at her when I noticed it was not my mom and was a woman I had never seen before, she had brown hair that might have been shoulder-length if it was straight, but it looked like it had been styled in curls. She was very pretty and looked a little familiar, not in the way I had seen her before but in the way she resembled someone I knew. I know I should have been freaked out, but I had an odd sense of calmness come over me. I rolled over and went to sleep. I got up the next day and went and told my parents about it. My mom believed me, but my dad did not. He never believed what he could not see. I never talked about it with my dad, but my mother and I would talk about it. Fast forward several years, I was a junior in high school, and my mother and I were staying with my grandma (on my dad’s side) because she became sick and needed help around the house. We were going through pictures that she had. I came across this headshot picture of the lady I had seen in my Room when I was in 4th grade.”

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