Did a victim of Covid, return from the grave to live a new life on the other side?
Here is a preview of the story.
“The building is an older building, so the restroom is in the basement and the nearest breakroom is on the 2nd floor. Sadly, last July our nighttime security guard, Charles, passed away from Covid19. Charles was an older gentleman, very friendly and as a former Marine, he took his job very seriously. Pre-Covid, a few times a week I would bring him in a cup of coffee in the morning as he would be ending his shift about the time I came in for work. Most days he would stick around a few minutes and chat with me before he left. Charles would often complain about the cleaning crew that came in in the evenings saying that they would turn all the lights on in the office and just leave them on when they were done. He would joke that most of his job was turning off the lights and cleaning up after the cleaning crew. Once Covid hit, the cleaning crew stopped coming and the Charles was only there over the weekend. So, unfortunately, I didn’t see much of him before he got sick.”

I became convinced then that the apartment was haunted, but didn’t know what to do about it. My parents were devout Catholics, and have always denied the existence of the paranormal because they’ve always said God and the Virgin Mary will always be there to protect us. So I kept it to myself, and dealt with the activities.”

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