Your Christmas Tree Could Be Infested. What you need to know

Have you ever noticed the tiny little “pine cone” looking sacks hanging from your live Christmas tree. You know they are not pine cones, but your not quite sure what exactly they are! The bad news is, they are not pine cones. The good news is, they hold the souls of hundreds of little creatures. Ok, that may not be good news.

The even worse news is they could be larva sacks infested with thousands of praying mantis eggs!

Immagine the joy on your children’s faces on Christmas morning when they come down the stairs to find their Christmas presents already opened and eaten through by a plague of biblical creatures strung out and candy canes and holiday cheer.

If you see one of these things hanging on your Christmas tree, don’t fret. Clip the branch and place the egg mass inside your garden, it may actually do some good!

In the fall, a female mantis lays up to 400 eggs in one of these brown masses. The thing you see I the tree was once a liquid, but has now hardened to protects the eggs.

Don’t let the objects continue to hang on the trees though!

The final result could easily be a home over run with bugs. The larva could confuse the warmth and comfort of your home for “spring”. Before you know it, they will be out and ready to ring in the year, and an expensive trip from the exterminator.

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