Healing From The Grave

Did a loved one come to a person suffering through COVID to help them navigate through it?
Here is a preview of the story.
“I was suddenly in the house my grandma, Ninnie, lived in when I was growing up. This was where I spent much of my summers as a kid, but I was my current age of 40. The floorplan in my dream was like Ninnies’ actual house but this house was different. I understood it was the same house, but it was modernized from the way I remember it. I slowly walked through the house, making my way to the master bedroom. I rounded the corner where I saw Ninnie, with her back to me, cleaning a mirror.
She sensed I was there and turned toward me. Just like the house, I understood that it was Ninnie, yet she seemed similar but different. She walked right up to me and appeared as though she was looking through me. I somehow knew in the dream that I was dreaming at this point. The moment that thought crossed my mind; it was like a veil lifted. All the “different” I spoke of earlier melted away and Ninnie was standing there looking and acting like herself. She seemed to focus on me. She was no longer looking through me either but right at me. She smiled and gave me the biggest hug, squeezing me so tight. I was filled with so much warmth and love that I began to cry. I woke up crying, though now because I felt as though I lost her all over again. I could still feel her presence however and I told her out loud I missed her. “

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