Haunted Apartment

Who or what has been haunting and tormenting a person in the apartment they so desperately wanted to call home?
Here is a preview of the story.
“A few months later, the landlord’s son came to do some sort of maintenance on the apartment. We got to talking, and I told him about the event. He said huh, with a puzzled look on his face. He told me to not go anywhere, and he’ll be right back. A few minutes later, he came in with a manilla folder and showed me photos he took of the apartment from when the tenant before last moved out. There was a brown fridge right next to the kitchen window, exactly where my sister was making the motion of opening the fridge doors, looking up and down as if to see whether there is food, and then closed it.

I became convinced then that the apartment was haunted, but didn’t know what to do about it. My parents were devout Catholics, and have always denied the existence of the paranormal because they’ve always said God and the Virgin Mary will always be there to protect us. So I kept it to myself, and dealt with the activities.”

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