Hat Man

A young family finds that they are not alone in their bedroom late at night as a dark shadow man in a hat shows up to terrify them.
Here is a preview of the story.
β€œOne of those nights, I had woken up from a nightmare and noticed a strange green light shining up from the floor onto our bedroom door. As I looked at the light, trying to figure out where it was coming from and silhouette emerged in the shape of a tall man. He had broad shoulders, and I could distinctly make out the form of a hat. It was in shapes like a Canadian trooper or drill sergeant. It stayed there for a while without moving, and I remember this overwhelming sense of fear wash over me. It was that type of fear that looms over you when you anticipate something bad is going to happen. At some point, I finally fell back asleep. The next morning, I woke up remembering what happened the night before and started looking under the bed and around the room, trying to find out where the green light could have come from. Under the bed, we had our Wi-Fi router, which had a little green indicator light.”

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