Ghost In The Dorm

A group of college students discovers they are in for the fright of their lives in their new home. One by one, they slowly learn that the dorm house they live in has an extra guest. A ghost.
A listener shares this story.
“Four sophomore & junior runners were renting a house together in a neighboring town called Coal Center. It became the central hangout for the track team and our track team parties. (Side note: As the name of the city suggests, yes, there were creepy abandoned coal plants overgrown by the forests that I eventually explored, known disasters of the past that had many coal miner fatalities, and TRUE stories about places where mining fires still burn to this day decades later. They will continue to burn underground for years & years from uncontrollable blazes that couldn’t be put out once they started.) Back to this “track house” as we dubbed it…Even though I kept all my belongings in my dorm room, I really lived and slept either at the track house or my new pole-vaulting boyfriend’s house. Weird things happened enough in that track house that it became a joke amongst everyone who lived and visited there to blame unexplained noises or mishaps on our ghost Charlie. I honestly don’t remember who came up with his name, it could have even been me, but it’s too long ago to remember. Even though everyone knew about Charlie, I think most likely, people just thought it was a weird inside joke we shared, but the core group of us knew Charlie was very real. Giving him a name and making it a joke, I think, was our natural way of handling that truth a little easier. By shaking our fist in the air, yelling at the house,”
Listen to the podcast to hear the rest of the ghost story!
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