Family Ghost

What is it like to have a ghost that resides amongst the living as “part of the family”? Today we hear about a family spirit on Real Ghost Stories Online.

Here is a preview of a story.
“You see, there was a tall floor lamp to my right side, and once I dismiss the feeling about anything paranormal, the finial on top of the lampshade, well, it quickly unscrewed, it hit the ceiling and then smashed down to the floor in a clearly controlled manner. It landed in an upright position and directly between my feet!
I was stunned, and with my mouth agape, I just looked at the woman in confusion. She looked back at me and sighed, dropped her shoulders, and gave a reassuring have to smile. She then apologizes to me. Her exact words were,” I am so sorry. He gets very insulted when I don’t introduce new people to him. This is our ghost, George. That is what we call him. Poor guy for some reason he can’t or won’t leave”.
Once I was formally introduced to George, I could feel him walk away and go back down the hallway.”

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