Fade Into Nothing

What were the strange figures someone saw in their home late in the night that faded away to nothing.
Here is a preview of the story.
“These occurrences started progressing. My husband would be out partying, it would be late at night, or early morning, I would hear the garage door open, the car pulls in, the garage door closed, THEN I would hear the door from the garage to the kitchen open and close. Then nothing. I would often get out of bed, check if Myron was there, see that he wasn’t, and go back to bed. After many occurrences of this specific scenario, it progressed more. Myron would be out partying late at night, the garage door would open, the car would pull in, the garage door would close, the door from the garage to the kitchen would open and close, then came the footsteps. The footsteps would come from the kitchen, down the hall, toward the bedrooms, and then stop.”

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