Exorcism In The Laundry Room

Was there some type of negative energy lurking in the laundry room of an unsuspecting tenant?
Here is a preview of the story.
“I have heard the theory before that apartments feel weird because of residual energy from former occupants and that because they are places that people don’t stay long, lots of energy from random people builds up, so I just assumed it didn’t feel lived in because so many people had moved in and out and assumed it would get better.
The one thing that was weird was that I just didn’t like the laundry room. One of the first few days in the apartment, I mentioned that I was always afraid to open that door because I was sure I would find a man hanging in there. We kind of wrote it off to anxiety and moved on.
We started out using the bigger room as a bedroom and the smaller room for storage, but eventually I started feeling to creeped out to sleep in that room and insisted that we move to the other room where at least the light seemed right. We moved all our stuff into the smaller room. It was directly across from the creepy laundry room, which I didn’t like, but it was better than the creepy hallway.”

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