Entity In The House

Who is the entity haunting a house that paralyzes people in their sleep and their waking hours?

Here is a preview of the story.
“Anyway, back to my story, in our new house, well new to us, I always felt that there was something there. They were always different feelings, like not the same energy or spirit. I know now they were spirits. I used to dream a lot, dreams that would come true, but that is another story. I was also terrorized by demons, holding me down in bed and paralyzing me. I could not scream; I could not move. It was terrifying. But I would never say anything because I would think that people would think I was crazy.
I have seen several entities in this house. And I do feel entities at times around the house. I feel like it is a portal. One of these days, I will tell you about what I think is a succubus that my husband says interacts with him. It is a story for another time. She is the one that has stayed the longest.”

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