Do Ghosts Come Out At Night?

Do ghosts come out at night? This is the question that has had generations asking if it’s safe to go out at night? When we sun goes down do the spirits of the undead show themselves to the living. Why do ghosts come out at night? Do they have a mission to or a message to give to the living? Are ghosts bent on scaring the living out of their comfort zones? These are the questions we ask on today’s episode as we share real ghost stories bout ghosts that come out at night.

Today’s Real Ghost Stories:

The story of a tall shadow man invading a bedroom late at night.

An educational vacation turns to the paranormal as one haunting experience after another plagues a traveler.

Was it just déjà vu? Or something more sinister than a listener experienced?

If you have a real ghost story or supernatural event to report, please write into our show or call 1-855-853-4802!

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