Ghost Stories Radio

Wicked Ways

Today On Real Ghost Stories Online: Did a demon prey upon an unsuspecting individual in his time of need? A listener shares his “warnings from hell”. Did an item on ebay have an unexplained drive to make someone to purchase it? One listener explains why she’s very glad her parents Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

The Man

Today On Real Ghost Stories Online: While engaged in an adulterous affair, a man finds that something not of this world has “blown his cover”. Not everything is quiet and peaceful on one 1960’s residential street. What would you do if a ghost announced that he could see you, while Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

Dark Discovery

Today On Real Ghost Stories Online: A student spends a couple of hours innocently exploring his empty school, when he discovers something highly unusual about the auditorium. Some people choose to cover their bodies with symbols and art, but what would you do if something paranormal began to brand symbols Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
ghost radio

Stairwell To Heaven

A nurse relays the surprise she felt when she is asked to assist with a patient on the brink of death, when she had just seen this patient alive and well in the stairwell. Two boys venture into the woods, only to come out running for their lives. A listener Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Ghost Stories Radio

Haunted Innocence

Today On Real Ghost Stories Online: After a historic building is converted into apartments, one tenant discovers that she may unknowingly have a roommate. Attending a sporting event for the first time as a child can be very exciting and educational, especially when you have a deceased legendary athlete sitting Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago