If visiting dead people is your thing… The Catacombs of the The Haunted Capuchin Crypt is for you! It is open to tourists and is packed full of the dead… Notice I said DEAD. Not UN-dead. That though will cross your mind when wandering through its cavernous halls, as The Capuchin crypt is reportedly one of the haunted locations in Italy.
The Catacombs of the Capuchin Monks is located in Palermo Sicily, and is not the inspiration for Olive Garden Decor.
Among the dead “hanging around” the The Haunted Capuchin Crypt include the local elite and prominent citizens: the clergy, the aristocracy and the representatives of various professions are children and women.
The first monk was dropped off here in the year 1599, and his 400-year-old mummy still say’s “HELLO!” to visitors upon entrance. Just like the crypt keeper! Ok… Really. For ages, the catacombs were strictly for the monks, but when money was needed to keep the dead happy… they eventually opened them to well-paying locals. Oh… business can be tough, even if you are running The Haunted Capuchin Crypt.

Sourece: https://www.flickr.com/photos/morgandavis