?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????We all know that the horror tales of “Friday the 13th” are just from movies, right? Not so! Here are 3 real tales of horror that occurred on Friday the 13th of years gone by.

1) Collapse of the Royal Plaza Hotel

(August 13, 1993)

Due to negligence of the hotel’s engineer’s. A disastrous collapse of the structure occured in 1993. The building was unable to sustain the weight of three additional stories added years after its initial construction. The buildings ground level support gave in, and lead to the death of 137 people and the injury of 227 others. 

2) Teen Struck by Lightening

(August 13, 2010)

While attending the Lowestoft Seafront Air Festival in England, one teen spectator struck by a stray bolt of lightening. The teen survived and was immediately treated for minor burns. What makes this story so creepy is the fact that the boy was 13 years old, struck at 13:13 military on Friday the 13th!

3) Cannibal Alfred Packer

(April 13, 1883)

Five prospectors including Alfred Packer traveled toward Gunnison, Colorado in hopes of laying their claim to the gold. The travelers found themselves without ample supplies and exposed to the relentless cold winter months. Their only survival option turned out to be cannibalism with a side of murder.. Packer was the sole survivor and was convicted of four counts of murder on April 13, 1883. Packer argued that his fellow travelers turned hostile and he was forced to kill them and merely ate the bodies out of necessity.

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