Ghost In The Graveyard
The idea of ghosts in the graveyard is not a shocking concept. Afterall, it’s a plot of land lined with the dead. But just how haunted are some graveyards? Today we hear the true ghost story of a man who comes face to face with the paranormal in a graveyard.
He writes: “We did multiple jumps from one graveyard to another, climb here and there and repeat. But while doing one of the jumps, I felt something weird, something different and very unusual. It was the feeling of something, or someone was trying to pull me before every jump. I could have blamed it to my friends, but in every trick, we do, I was always the last person to do it. It continued to happen, until I almost fell in my last jump because this time, whatever it is, has tried to push me. I decided it’s too weird that I must stop, I went down and told them I need to rest. They continued their jump till another friend came down. I asked him why’d he stop, he didn’t answer me immediately, but he instead sent me a text telling me, I must do this on SMS cos he don’t want to scare the others. He said something is trying to stop him from doing the last jump. He said he thinks he heard his grandpa’s voice telling him to stop.”
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