This Is My Ghostbusters Origin Story.
The origin of my fascination with ghosts and the paranormal, and how eventually you have the podcast, Real Ghost Stories Online.
I can honestly say, I’ve waited for the next Ghostbusters movie for damn near 30 years! Ever since seeing Ghostbusters at a matinee showing at the “Cinema 1 & 2” in my hometown shopping mall movie theater, I’ve been waiting for Ghostbusters 3. The magic of that movie was like nothing else I had ever experienced up until that point in my life, and it changed me.
It captured my imagination and fed my natural fascination with ghosts and the supernatural as a child. The desire to understand ghosts would take me to a local cemetery about a miles hike from my house through a forest. Day after day, I would lurk in from the woods, wearing a plastic “proton pack” seeking to come upon the unsuspecting spirits hovering about in what they thought was their peaceful resting place.
This would typically result in many surprised living souls, wondering why a small child was creeping around a cemetery trying to capture the spirits of their dead loved ones. But I had to start my journey somewhere.
Eventually, as an adult, I would rediscover that passion and dive back into the world of Ghosts with the creation of our podcasts Real Ghost Stories Online and The Grave Talks.
FINALLY… Here it is. Ghostbusters: Afterlife. The Ghostbusters movie that follows the timeline and story of the first two films. Films that had a larger impact on my life than most people ever did.
I did enjoy the Paul Fieg reboot a few years back, but it did not “do it” for me. It was Dan Akroyd’s original storyline, characters, and a world that made Ghostbusters what it is. And now, It’s back. With a whole new chapter in that universe.
I hope you are just as excited as I am for this iconic story to find a new life!